From Lisa’s Blog

Finding The Guardian of Your Soul

The REAL Reason You’re Still Single

Every day I talk to women over Zoom about what’s not working in their love lives right now. They will tell me things like: I get it. Dating today is nothing if not challenging. But ...
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An Ode To Love

Benjamin Shield. I met him 17 years ago. There was a time when I didn’t think it was possible to meet a man like him. Especially not for me. Given my relationship history, my destructive ...
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  • True Love
  • Understanding Men

Loving Yourself on Valentine’s Day

As we enter the last few weeks of deep winter, some of us will be battening down our hatches for ...
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How to Simplify Your Search For Love

Do you pride yourself on being a multitasker? Do you find yourself always going and doing and rushing around? There’s ...
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Make 2019 the Year of Receiving!

Happy New Year! I want to wish you a beautiful, joyous, love-filled 2019. I hope this is the beginning of ...
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Owning Your Self-Worth

Like most of the women I coach, you probably have a wonderful life — friends who adore you, a career ...
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I Finally Figured It Out

When I posted my first dating profile online fifteen years ago, one of a handful of qualities I was looking ...
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In a recent coaching session, my client, Alexa, asked a question that I’m sure every woman who’s dating has contemplated ...
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What to Do When You’re Rarely Attracted to Men

I hear frequently from my clients that they have a very hard time finding many men that they’re attracted to. ...
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The Five Qualities to Look For in a Man

Most of us have a long list of traits that we’re looking for in a partner, from general traits – ...
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