From Lisa’s Blog

Finding The Guardian of Your Soul

The REAL Reason You’re Still Single

Every day I talk to women over Zoom about what’s not working in their love lives right now. They will tell me things like: I get it. Dating today is nothing if not challenging. But ...
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An Ode To Love

Benjamin Shield. I met him 17 years ago. There was a time when I didn’t think it was possible to meet a man like him. Especially not for me. Given my relationship history, my destructive ...
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Stop Overreacting and Pushing Men Away

I want to share four actions you can take to stop your reactivity from spiraling out of control and sabotaging ...
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Keep Your Side of the Street Clean

Hey Naked Daters!  You’ve probably heard me talk about radical responsibility. Yup, I’m gonna talk about it again. And probably ...
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How Many Summers Do You Have?

Living in Los Angeles, the land of eternal summer, it’s easy to forget that real summers go by in a ...
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How to Make a Man Feel Like a Man

One of the worst feelings in dating, and in life for that matter, is “not knowing what happened.” I know ...
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Taking Personal Responsibility When Dating

If you follow me, you know I like expressions. I feel like deconstructing them provides insight into patterns of human ...
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Writing a Love Letter to Your Future Soulmate

When my clients first start working with me, the very first thing I have them do is write a love ...
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Stop Telling Yourself “There Are No Good Men”

So, you’re on a quest for mind-bending, soul-quenching, life-lasting love. Sounds like a plan. And you’ve looked and looked and ...
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How to Actually Attain Unconditional Love

Ladies, I like making LISTS, can I get a hell yeah?!?! Food lists, to-do lists, call lists, goal lists, you ...
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