Alright, Ladies,

Let’s take a look at the number one thing women do that turns men off and pushes them away.

This is a BIG one, and it is something EVERY woman does…including you.

We shame men.

Without even knowing it, when a man lets us down, we express our disappointment in a way that makes him feel small.

What a man wants more than anything is to be our hero.

So when he feels he’s disappointed you, he’s embarrassed and ashamed.

This is NOT how you want to make a man feel.

Let’s look at how this works.

Have you ever felt upset with a man who told you he would call at a certain time and then didn’t?

The next day he sends you a text explaining what happened.

You’re willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but you also feel it’s important to let him know that it better not happen again.

You might think this is a perfectly reasonable thing to say.

Of course, you have every right to express your feelings about what happened.

But if you say it with the wrong tone of voice and in a way that makes him feel he was a disappointment to you, you will shame him.

A smart, self-aware woman never wants to make a man feel shame because she knows that if she does that, he will never feel safe opening up to her.

When men feel shame, it is emasculating.

If you don’t want to emasculate men, you have to learn how to express your feelings without shaming them.

And here’s the most important part of all: a real man who has great self-esteem simply won’t put up with a woman talking to him that way.

The moment she exhibits that behavior, he’ll walk away and find a woman who knows how to treat a man with respect.

If you want to learn how to stop shaming men and become the kind of woman great men are looking for, click this link to watch my FREE 45-minute

If you like what you hear, one of my team members or I will jump on a call with you.

Also, keep reading these emails because I have lots more to tell you about how you might be turning men off!

Yours in nakedness,