FREE 1-Day Live Event Starts In:

The 5 Myths that Keep Smart Successful Women Single

(and how to bust them)

FREE 1-day live event - April 16th 5 PM PST // 6 PM MST // 7 PM CST // 8 PM EST
Don't miss out!

Should I Attend?

This FREE 1-day event is perfect waiting made for you if:

You’re a high-achieving woman who feels your success and independence might be intimidating to potential partners, and you’re ready to debunk this myth and others like it.

You’ve been told you’re too picky, yet you believe in maintaining high standards in your search for a partner. This event will reinforce why your standards are an asset, not a liability.

You often feel like all the good ones are taken or you don’t know where to find them, and you’re stuck in the scarcity mindset. This masterclass is set to challenge that notion, opening your eyes to the abundance of potential partners.

Your busy lifestyle is often an excuse for why you can’t find the time for dating or believe you’re too busy for a relationship. We’ll explore how to balance a fulfilling career with an active personal life.

You equate vulnerability with weakness, especially in the context of relationships, and struggle with being emotionally available. This event will help you see vulnerability as a strength and guide you on how to open up while protecting your heart.


FREE 1-day live event - April 16th 5 PM PST // 6 PM MST // 7 PM CST // 8 PM EST

Take the time to debunk these myths!

As featured in:

''This was one of the best investments I've done in my life. It's life changing. It worked... it's absolutely worth it..''

"I have a huge circle of friends that I've made. I go to parties. I do social functions. I travel. But when the end of the day happens and you go home, you're by yourself and there's no one to talk about what you did. About four weeks in, I met the Guardian of my Soul. And he felt the same way. Anytime I feel like I'm concerned about something, or we bring it up and we have a conversation, and it brings us closer. I committed about four weeks in and stopped dating other people. Thank you Lisa!"

Elaine - Career Executive